
A solution is working only when it starts benefiting others.

Social entrepreneurship is a fast-growing tool now being used to address some of the challenges we face in Norwegian society and across the world. At Samfunnssentralen in Stavanger, you will encounter committed project owners who have found sustainable solutions to social problems in the fields of work – and social inclusion, sustainable food and circularity.

Our community
All of our social entrepreneurs are either in the start-up or development phase of building a sustainable company, product or services. Above all else, for as long as they remain at Samfunnssentralen they enjoy the satisfaction and benefits of being part of a social and professional community, in which everyone is expected to play a part. Each entrepreneur is offered sparring partners, mentoring and supervision from investors TD Veen, as well as financial support. Our aim is that our social entrepreneurs shall achieve financial viability within a minimum of two years after they have left the centre. Exciting and relevant events in the field of social entrepreneurship are a key aspect of what we offer at the centre, both for our social entrepreneurs and other stakeholders.

TD Veen
TD Veen is the investment company behind Samfunnssentralen, both figuratively and in terms of direct funding. TD Veen founded Samfunnssentralen in 2015 because it wanted to contribute to the development of sustainable solutions that would benefit society. From the beginning, TD Veen’s investment has been shown to yield returns both in terms of societal benefits and the financial bottom line. In recent years, Samfunnssentralen has attracted a great deal of attention, and now receives requests to give presentations throughout Norway. In other words,  Samfunnssentralen has deserved its status both as a viable service provider, and an important component of TD Veen’s portfolio.